M-PowerHouse located in Pittsburgh, PA addresses barriers that stand in the way of underserved youth and S.T.E.A.M. careers. Help make dreams a reality by donating to our nonprofit organization!

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United Way

M-PowerHouse is a
Contributor Choice Agency
with United Way #12581732


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Phone Icon (412) 515-5155

Esteem STEAM

M-PowerHouse of Greater Pittsburgh has partnered with the University of Pittsburgh Open Lab Center for Teaching and Learning and the Open Lab at Hillman is a new space for virtual reality exploration, 3D printing demonstrations. M-PowerHouse acts as a scaffold for the Virtual Realty programs for underrepresented youth and marginalized youth for early exposure and more. For more information contact info@m-power-house.org


Tsadler and Obama

Talking about Diversity

Ms. Tammy Sadler, Operations Manager of the UPMC Center for Engagement and Inclusion had a round table discussion about Diversity and the role UPMC plays to ensure that diversity, inclusion, dignity, respect, and cultural awareness reaches not just the communities, but the nonprofit organizations and the schools they serve. As Ms. Sadler states.
Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance.
Thank You for partnering with M-PowerHouse of Greater Pittsburgh and their Esteem STEAM program.